Myth Busting
A primer on the advantages of minimum wage increase —
The five big claims against boosting the minimum wage, debunked — Ian Hussey, National Observer
Busting myths about raising the minimum wage —
Nova Scotia-Specific Information
Nova Scotia must raise minimum wage faster, new report says — CBC
Justice For Workers NS in the Media
Workers in Nova Scotia Demand Justice — Amber Tucker, Spring Magazine
Who Makes Minimum Wage?
Wages, Gender, and Sexuality
Quality of Employment in Canada: Pay Gap, 1998-2021 — Statistics Canada
The Facts About Women and Poverty in Canada — Canadian Women’s Foundation
Minimum Wage and Ableism
A Penny a Poppy — Megan Linton, Briarpatch
Employment, the minimum wage and ableism — Melissa Graham,
Minimum Wage and Racialized Workers
Canada’s Colour–Coded Income Inequality — Sheila Block, Grace-Edward Galabuzi and Ricardo Tranjan, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
From Minimum Wage to Living Wage
Living Wages in Nova Scotia 2022 — Christine Saulnier, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
What makes a living wage, and why that matters for workers across Ontario — Vanessa Balintec, CBC
Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage in Other Jurisdictions
Why some businesses are paying staff a living wage, not just the minimum — Alison Northcott, CBC
Five Reasons a Higher Minimum Wage Helps Us All — Canadian Union of Public Employees
Employment boom in Ontario defies the minimum-wage naysayers — Greg Quinn,
Does raising the minimum wage result in job losses in small firms? — Adi Gaskell,
Seattle’s higher minimum wage is actually working just fine — Ben Spielberg, Washington Post